6" X 8" acrylic on 100% rag illustration board
The little toucan flying by,
A bowl of sweets she did spy.
Red hot candies with a zest,
A perfect place to make her nest.
By chance the candy bowl did spill,
The little toucan ate her fill.
But after such a grand repast,
It’s time to lay her egg at last.
And much to her complete surprise,
She laid an egg of awesome size.
The day the egg began to crack,
The baby broke out with one whack.
Instantly it flew away,
And vanished in the Milky Way.
The red hot mama, was in shock,
Her baby toucan sure did rock.
I hope you enjoyed the adventure of the Red Hot Mama. This series would be
perfect for a
child's room. A fun memory to last a lifetime.
I am looking forward to going out on a photo shoot
tomorrow morning with Laurie
Excell and her group. It is part of the world wide photo shoot. We will be going to Oaks Park before it opens to the public. That means getting up at 4:AM as we need to be there by 5:30. That is an early hour but so much fun it is worth it. Last years shoot was in down town Portland. It is always fun to see the different prospectives that people come up with. And who knows I may end up doing a series of
daily paintings from my shots. See you Monday.