Saturday, October 25, 2008


For an artist who leads a rather solitary life in her studio, this artist was a bit over whelmed by the near 4000 passengers on our cruse ship. And that doesn't count the crew that was at your every call. Good or bad it was an experience to remember. We had a lot of fun, but for us it was just too structured. We like to drift where the winds will take us and see what adventures unfold. But the ship it self was an adventure, and took the entire trip to discover it's many secrets. The time ashore was never enough, but what we did see was wonderful, and we would love to go back on our own and explore further. The colors were spectacular, and I even managed to see a couple of art galleries.
As you might gather from my paintings I love glitz and glamor with a little theater thrown in. There was plenty of that and I had fun playing the part and dressing up in wild outfits. (Hay, I can do that I'm an artist.)

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