6" X 8" acrylic on canvas on Masonite
Our neighbor's two sons Adam and Nathan, got four baby chicks this spring. Each chick was different and they had fun naming them. The Rhode Island Red was named "Awesomeness".
"Chica", the black and white Barred Plymouth Rock had to be re named "Chico", when he decided one morning to try to crow. Then there was the gray one (Easter Egger) that they named "Colorful" for the colorful eggs she should start laying soon. And lastly "Chicken Dinner" aka "Yang Chen", a Light Brahma with interesting white feathers on her feet.
I was happy to have gotten some pictures of the teenage chickens just before Chico was moved to a farm in the country where he can crow to his harts content.
I have enjoyed watching them over the fence and seeing them grow. This was the inspiration for this series, It was fun to give them a bit of personality which I tried to capture in a fairly loose manor.
I just got some wonderful news to share. My Granddaughter, Kallen, just became engaged to Jason. He gave her the ring at silver falls where they met, sweet. Now the fun begins.
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