6" X 8" acrylic on canvas on Masonite
I was off spending a couple of days with two artist friends that I met in my master art classes ten years ago in NM. After spending a week together three years in a row, we became best of friends. Suzanne McBride is touring the country from Wimberley TX, She is an accomplished bronze sculptor and painter. http://smcb.com Lyn Lasneski lives and teaches at the coast. She does magnificent seascapes. www.lynlasneski.com she is also starting a new business, Developing Creative Conceptual Thinking and Skills. www.rightbrainintegration.com There is nothing better than renewing friendships with laughter and fun.
oooh...This whole series gives me the shivers. I appreciate your right brain exploration. Kinda strange that I have been trying to work my left brain while you are working your right. Makes me think. Also, yeah for old friends! You guys look like you're having a blast.